The English have been living in New England for 400 years. They gave the region its name - New England.
While non-English immigrants have changed the ethnic composition of New England, some parts of the region remain overwhelmingly English:
In order to create a free and independent Republic of New England, we call on all English Americans to join in the formation of a representative constitutional Republic of New England, representing government of the English people, by the English people and for the English people.
We stand for preserving the English people from biological and cultural extinction.
The founding fathers of the United States would be far closer to being English secessionists than to any of the other political groups of today.
In order to accomplish these goals, all ties relating to the domination of New England by the multicult regime in Washington should be abandoned, as soon possible and forever.
It is absolutely essential to the cause of freedom, prosperity and individual liberty of the English people in America.
A country just for English Americans!