The Solution to Our Problem

180 years of non-English immigration and various measures imposed by the federal government to subordinate English interests to those of non-English people had irrevocably transformed the "American people" so that it was increasingly difficult to characterize them as even a majority-English population.

As a consequence, English Americans should start to make traditional nationalist claims for secession and self-determination because the United States has become a threat to their survival.

The present situation is such that any hope of reversing America's de-Anglicization is no longer feasible. The sole option left to English Americans seeking to ensure their existence in North America is to break off a portion of the lands their ancestors possessed and establish an English homeland.

To this end I propose the migration of ethically aware English Americans to the states with the highest percentages of English Americans (Utah, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire and Idaho).

The English should try to secede the only remaining ethnically English parts of the US